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Author: admin

4 Jan, 2018 | admin | No Comments


stories of the quran for the children

PROPHET NUH In the ancient times, there were five saintly men. They were: wadd, suwa, yaguth, ya,ub and nasr. They mingled with the people who loved them dearly and sought guidance from them. When these righteous men died, the people suffered a great setback. One of them suggested to the masses that they should cast […]

4 Jan, 2018 | admin | No Comments


stories of the quran for the children

THE AAD The aad were an ancient people living on the Arabian Peninsula. Allah had bestowed on them many bounties: wealth and children and an unmatched strength. He also gave them the light of knowledge. So, they ought to have been grateful to Allah, worshiped him and not associated. Anything with him. However, they were […]

THE SHE – CAMEL OF PROPHET SALIH Allah says: (……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..-) “The Thamud belied (the truth) in their insolence when the basest of them uprose. The messenger of Allah, (salih) said to them, “it is the she-camel of Allah, so lather drink!” but they belied him And they hamstrung her, so their lord crushed them for […]

PROPHET IBRAHIM PROPHRT IBRAHIM (……………) was born among a people who worshiped idols. He grew up among them but Allah had preserved him from idol worship even in his childhood. His father, azar, used to mold and make idols which the people bought to worship. aazar, too, regarded the idols as gods. Allah revealed that […]

4 Jan, 2018 | admin | No Comments


stories of the quran for the children

PROPHET YUSUF PROPHET IBRAHIM (………………) had two sons, ismail (…………………|) and ishaq (…………….) the latter had a son ya’qub (………….) who had twelve sons, sayyidina yusuf (…………………) was one of them. In his childhood days, Sayyidina yusuf (……………) saw a dream one night that eleven stars, the sun and the moon prostrated to him. He […]

ABOUT QARUN (KORAH) ALLAH SAYS: (………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….-) “SURELY QURAN WAS OF THE people of musa but he oppressed them. And we gave him treasures such that the very keys of them would have weighed down a company of men endowed with strength. (Recall) his people said to him, “exult not, surely Allah loves not the exultant. […]

SAMIRI AND THE CALF ALLAH says in the quran in surah ta ha, verses 83 to 85: (………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………-) “And what has made you hasten from your people, o musa?” he said, “they are close upon my track, and I hastened on to you, my lord, that you might be pleased. “He said, “surely, we have […]

THE COW OF THE BANU ISRA’IL IN THE times of sayyidina musa (…………..)There lived a very rich man who was extremely stingy and greedy. Others apart, he did not spend on himself too. He had no children of his own but he had very poor and needy nephews. Hunger and poverty had driven them to […]

PROPHET MUSA (…………..) AND PROPHET KHIDR (…………….) SAYYIDINA musa (…………) exhorted the banu isra’il to obey Allah and to observe taqwa and an adherence to the shari’ah. They listened to him with rapt attention and when he finished, one of them asked him, “Who is the most learned of men? He said promptly, “I”. Allah […]